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1. All new customers are strictly payment up front. No delivery will be made until proof of payment has been sent to 2. Any claims arising from invoices must be made within seven working days of receipt of invoice. 3. All raw BTSO (Pty) Ltd products may not be repackaged and/or sold under any other brand. BTSO (Pty) Ltd withholds the right to terminate any wholesale account that is found to be repackaging or rebranding any raw BTSO (Pty) Ltd products, eg repacking a 3kg bursting boba tub into smaller quantaties and selling it under a different brand. 4. By submitting this application, you confirm that all details above are true and that you agree to the agreement terms. I understand that to qualify for a wholesale account that I need to have a registered business in the hospitality industry or to place a 1st minimum order of R3000.
Created while drinking copious amounts of boba 2022 🧋🧋🧋